OXITEC O2 Analyzers
在德国, ENOTEC设计而且制造很耐用的 氧气分析仪, 适用于燃烧过程控制分析。优化燃烧过程需要一个精确、快速、稳定的测量技术, OXITEC® 5000 氧气分析仪满足这些所有要求。
在不利测量条件下, ENOTEC 的氧气分析仪特别宜于使用的

COMTEC O2 / COe Analyzers
The COMTEC® 6000 is an In Situ analyzer for measurement of oxygen and COe (sum of unburned molecules such as carbon monoxide, methane or hydrogen) in flue and process gases. This enables the redundant measurement with high accuracy in real time. This is achieved by combining the MXP sensor for COe analysis with the technology of MLT sensor which measures oxygen content.The COMTEC® 6000 ensures combustion optimisation through accurate and reliable gas analysis.

AQUATEC O2 / H2O Analyzers
The drying of a product is an energy intensive part of its production, irrespective of whether for instance gipsum or tobacco leaves are being dried. A quick and reliable measurement of the drying progress reduces the drying time considerably and therefore enables the optimisation of energy usage.